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박두순, 상처.

by 서울을 번역합니다. 2021. 4. 28.

나무줄기를 따라가 보면

상처 없는 나무가 없다



바람에 흔들리지 않고

눈보라에 시달리지 않은 나무가

어디 있겠는가


흔들린 만큼

시달린 만큼

높이와 깊이를 가지는 상처


상처를 믿고

맘놓고 새들이 집을 짓는다

상처를 믿고

꽃들이 밝게 마을을 이룬다


큰 상처일 수록

큰 안식처가 된다



If you follow the tree trunk,
There's no tree without a wound.

That's right.
Unshakable by the wind.
A tree that has not been plagued by snowstorms.
Where could it be?

As shaken as it is
as much as one has suffered
A wound of height and depth.

Believe in the hurt.
The birds build their houses at ease.
Believe in the hurt.
The flowers form a bright village.

The bigger the wound, the more...
It's a big haven.
